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Shaping the Future of Biodiversity Markets

Future Forest Initiative (FFI) and Potsdam Insititute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) offer a unique LivingLab designed for startups pioneering in Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) solutions to test and scale innovative technologies for nature restoration.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking innovative Monitoring-, Reporting-, and Verification- (MRV) Startups to revolutionize nature restoration and ESG projects, aligning their solutions with the EU’s Nature Restoration Law to shape the future of biodiversity compliance and innovation.

Your Profile

Startups should have existing prototypes or MVPs and demonstrate a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of at least 5. You must demonstrate the ability to measure at least one of the 8 indicators defined by the EU's Nature Restoration Law:

🌲 Standing deadwood

🪵 Lying deadwood

📊 Share of forests with uneven-aged structure

↔️ Forest connectivity

🌏 Stock of organic carbon

🍃 Native tree species dominance

🍂 Tree species diversity

🐦 Common forest bird index

Eligibility Criteria
  • A proven ability to conduct field testing and data collection in natural environments, demonstrating that the technology can reliably measure specific indicators.
  • Commitment to participate in the biodiversity residencies incl. fieldwork and the Future Forest Forum 2025 (dates below).

Why you should apply

🇪🇺 Achieve Compliance with EU Nautre Restoration Law
Align your metrics with EU standards to lead in compliance and innovation. We support startups in achieving Nature Restoration Law (NRL) readiness for future biodiversity regulations.
🧪 Test, Refine & Scale your Solution in our LivingLab

Validate your solution in real-world settings, collaborating with forest owners and managers in Harz and Sauerland, two of Germany's most forest-crisis-affected areas, to meet market demands. Our goal is to qualify your technology to become part of a new system for forest management and monitoring, i.e. support you in improving your Technology Readiness Level.

🏰 Unique experience in our Biodiversity Residency
Connect with pioneering startups, thought leaders, and potential partners from the field of MRV solutions, biodiversity, and ecosystem management. Foster MRV innovation while co-working in historic castles and unique ecosystems.
📢 Gain amplified visibility
Showcase your solution through a dedicated social media campaign, an exclusive stage at Future Forest Forum 2025, scientific publications, direct access to customers, and recognition as a nominee of the 🏆 Impact Metrics Award.

Join our Biodiversity Residencies

to collaborate with leading experts, conduct fieldwork in inspiring locations, boost your TRL, gain Nature Restoration Law-readiness, and pioneer solutions in restoration- and ESG-markets.


Your Path through the Program 🥾


Applications close


How to apply

1️⃣ Submit your application via this form by 16th of February 2025.

2️⃣ Prepare a challenge-based task and pitch your solution during the Virtual Selection Day on 14th of March 2025.

3️⃣ Selected startups will proceed to the Biodiversity Residency for hands-on fieldwork and collaboration.


Virtual Selection Day


Pitching Time
  • Pitch your solution to a panel of experts, partners, and stakeholders.
  • Engage in challenge-based tasks to demonstrate your technology's potential.
  • Receive personalized feedback and secure your spot in the program.


Residency I

05. - 09.05.2025

On site @Harz

Focus on joint field trials around Castle Blankenburg to advance and refine your technology, with scientific support from a conservation perspective. This hands-on approach allows you to continuously enhance your innovative solutions while fine-tuning core concepts to meet specific market needs, all under the guidance of experts in nature conservation.




Residency II

03. - 05.06.2025

On site @Sauerland

Forge strong connections with foresters and forest managers at Schloss Neuenhof (Lüdenscheid). Gain valuable insights into the practical application of your technology, ensuring it aligns with real-world forestry practices and fosters seamless integration into the field.


Final Presentation


Showcase and Scale @Future Forest Forum
  • Unveil your solution at our annual highlight event, the Future Forest Forum to an audience of 400+ foresters, investors, and decision makers.
  • Receive feedback from a wide network stakeholders.
  • Access opportunities to scale your solution and create real-world impact.
  • 🏆 Impact Metrics Award ceremony

Questions? Let's Talk! 👋

Benjamin Kowalski
Dr. Benjamin Kowalski
Benjamin is a forest scientist, agro-economist and has 7+ years of experience in building innovation networks, e.g. at He is a member of the ‘Green Start-ups’ selection round in NRW and advises on EIP Agri innovation funding.
Susanne Rönnefarth (1)
Susanne Rönnefarth
Susanne is a forester, having 10+ years of experience in business development and brand building for various e-commerce start-ups.

Shape the Future of Biodiversity Markets!


Dati Logo
Logo LR neu  (1)
Supported by Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank on behalf of the Federal Ministry.

Unsere Programme für eure Innovationen

Wir bieten im Rahmen des europaweit ersten Accelerators für Wald & Klima individuelle Programmformate an, in denen euch als Startup mit Wald- und Klimabezug, ein passgenauer Zugang zu Mentor:innen und Expert:innen, zu potentiellen Investor:innen sowie Umsetzungspartnern geboten wird. In unserem Accelerator-Programm #accelerate vernetzen wir euch mit Waldbesitzenden und relevanten Stakeholdern aus Unternehmen, Wissenschaft und Politik, begleiten und organisieren Pilotprojekte und initiieren strategische Partnerschaften für euren erfolgreichen Markeinstieg.



Als reifere Startups unterstützen wir euch in unserem Programm #accelerate bei eurer Go-To-Market Strategie. Kern der Säule #accelerate ist ein mehrmonatiges Accelerator-Programm mit Präsenz- und Online-Formaten und dem Finale (Demo Day) beim Future Forest Forum auf dem beeindruckenden Schloss Blankenburg im Harz. Dafür stellen wir euch u.a. ein Netzwerk aus über 40 Mentor:innen zur Verfügung, das euch bei euren Milestones unterstützt, sowie attraktive Partner, mit denen ihr eure Lösungen optimieren könnt. Die Programmsprache ist größtenteils englisch, da sich #accelerate auch an internationale Startups aus ganz Europa richtet. Mehr Infos unten und hier im Flyer.

Unser Fokus

Der Fokus unseres #accelerate Programms liegt auf Impact-Startups aus dem Wald-, Holz- und ClimateTech-Umfeld, die eine unternehmerische Zielsetzung verfolgen. Wir unterstützen dabei insb. Startups der Pre-Seed und Seed-Stage mit einem vorhandenen Prototyp oder einem bestehendem Business Modell. Thematisch bewegen wir uns dabei in den 3 Säulen Smart Forestry (z.B. Robotik), Ecosystem Services  (z.B. Stärkung der Biodiversität) und Climate Solutions (z.B. Agroforst & Bioecomomy).

jetzt bewerben

Ablauf #accelerate 2023

Phase 1 - Bewerbung für den Validation-Sprint

Nach eurer Bewerbung für Batch#2 unseres Startup-Programms bis spät. 04.04.2023 werden wir bereits am 06. April eine Entscheidung treffen, welche Startups dieses Jahr dabei sein werden, und euch umgehend informieren. #accelerate ist in 2 Phasen aufgeteilt. In Sprint 1 validiert ihr mit Hilfe von Mentoren euere Innovation und qualifiziert euch für die Incubation-Phase. Werdet ihr dafür ausgewählt geht es in diversen Sessions mit unseren Partnern um die Entwicklung einer Go-to-market Strategie, konkrete Kooperationsprojekte oder Finanzierungsoptionen. Individuell nach eurem Bedarf.

Falls du nicht die passende Antwort auf deine Frage gefunden hast, schreib uns doch einfach an!