We do pioneering work for forest innovation!
In terms of sustainable forestry, we focus on interdisciplinary cooperation between a wide variety of departments, from business to startups to politics. To this end, we network a wide variety of players and diverse expertise. We are constantly busy creating a new way of doing business.
Germany's first Sustainability Innovation Hub
As Future Forest Initiative, we are building the first sustainable innovation hub in Germany. The core pillars of the hub are the Future Forest Institute, the Startup Accelerator, the annual Future Forest Forum and the Forest & Climate Innovation Fund.
Pilot projects
Species protection and climate projects
Species protection and climate projects will be tackled in cooperation with environmental organizations.
Politics and society
Politicians and society are encouraged to support model projects of the Future Forest Innovation Hub both immaterially and monetarily. In return, we promote ecosystem services that, for example, contribute to the preservation of tourism or stabilize and improve fire and water management.
Connections are made to forestry in that reforestation is funded through the hub. In addition, the hub helps foresters deal with current challenges by offering them easy access to innovative solutions. These solutions will have emerged through the intertwining of the aforementioned core pillars of the hub and through intense, diligent work.
Companies and investors
Companies and investors (e.g. private equity) are given the opportunity to invest in the Future and Climate Innovation Funds. The fund finances promising ClimateTech startups and thus offers not only financial returns but also the opportunity to improve your own CO2 footprint and compliance with ESG criteria.
The Accelerator speeds up innovation projects from startups and qualifies them for market entry. The (funded) startups can test their innovations in practice as part of model projects (the Lab program), receive professional support and financing options.
Research institutions
Various research institutions provide scientific support.
„Think Global act local“ is our corporate culture.
Why Harz?
Like no other location in Germany, the Harz stands for the climate change-related forest dieback. Up to two thirds of the forest area there have fallen victim to the recent years of drought. This is exactly why we see the opportunity here through our initiative to create a model region with a role model function.
Blankenburg Castle
We are very proud of our headquarters: Europe's largest surviving Guelph Castle, the Blankenburg Castle above the Harz forests. It is the landmark of the city of Blankenburg with a history of more than 900 years.
The origin of the Initiative
We have already achieved a lot and still have more planned!
The first Future Forest Forum
„Our forest needs your ideas“ – this was the motto under which our initiative started in the summer of 2021 with the Future Forest Forum.
The official foundation
Exhilarated by all the ideas, solution approaches and potential of interdisciplinary cooperation, the official founding finally followed in February 2022.
More events and formats
It continued with the first community events, accelerator formats and the new edition of the forum. Many milestones are behind us and we have many more in sight!
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