Accelerator program 2024
Europe´s leading accelerator for planetary health startups
What you can expect!
As a young startup (max. 5 years old) with an ideally already existing prototype/business model, we support you with your individual milestones.The focus is on validating your innovation, gaining access to potential customers and partners, building your start-up expertise and checking your financing options. The core is an accelerator programme lasting several weeks with face-to-face and online formats.This year's programme kicks off with the Future Forest Forum, our annual conference with over 300 participants, at the impressive Blankenburg Castle in the Harz Mountains.For your support, we will provide you with a network of over 50 mentors and an experienced start-up team who will support you with your individual challenges. As a special benefit, you will gain access to a unique network in the forest and climate sector. In addition, attractive partners are available with whom you can work on specific challenges.The programme language is mostly English.
Batch #3 Open Call
Partner: Open Forests, Explorer.land, Netrocks Group
Hacking the European Carbon market
Partner: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Ananda VC, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (via DATI pilot), Gutsverwaltung Schloss Neuenhof
AI in ForestTech
Partner: palos (by Forest Mapping Management), Liechtenstein Group
Creating a new market for biodiversity
Partner: state Saxony-Anhalt, bmp Ventures, European Circular Bioeconomy Fund, Technologiepark Weinberg Campus
Cooperation partner

Your Benefits
Participating startups in our programs benefit from the following advantages.
Mentoring & Coaching
You will receive a personal mentor from our network of over 50 mentors as well as additional coaching from experts. You can find an overview here.
Partner network
We actively network you with potential cooperation partners and valuable contacts such as our lead partner Rentenbank. You can find our partners at the bottom of this page.
Pilot projects & customer access
We actively connect you with our large partner network and valuable contacts such as our lead partner Rentenbank. If you are selected for the programme, you will also work directly with our challenge partners. Participation in our #accelerate programme also qualifies you for our scaling programmes with the opportunity to implement paid pilot projects or find investors.
Future Forest Forum
Convince the international audience at the Future Forest Forum and secure your wildcard! The most convincing of you will be selected for the next round via an audience vote. In addition, you can be inspired by 3 days of interactive programme formats such as themed workshops or excursions.
Community membership
All startups that go through our programmes receive a 1-year free community membership with additional benefits such as tickets for our forum, direct access to our interdisciplinary community and partner events.
Unique experience
Our home is Blankenburg Castle in the beautiful Harz Mountains. In addition to focused business know-how, you experience a variety of formats in an inspiring atmosphere: exclusive investor dinners, community events, boot camps in the castle, excursions and much more.
High visibillity
We communicate your innovations via a wide network of channels, not only social media, but especially at our Future Forest Forum with > 300 participants. We take startups from our network to political events, receptions, panels and stakeholder workshops.
Fair conditions
Our validation sprints in the #accelerate programme pillar are basically free of charge, as we are refinanced by a grant. Our intensive support has an equivalent value of around €25,000, of which €12,200.38 is subject to de-minimis funding, for which you will receive a certificate. If you want to scale your growth with us at a later date, we will strive for a strategic partnership, for which we will then agree individual cooperation options depending on your objectives. More details can be found in the programme information of the #seed pillar.
You too can benefit from our tailor-made #accelerate programme for your forest & climate-related startup!
A strong team awaits you!

Björn Kaminski
Susanne Rönnefarth

Wolf Goertz

Christoph Ameseder

Dr. Benjamin Kowalski

Christoph zu Stolberg
How it works
Our customised programme explained in 6 steps
Once the application phase has ended, we will let you know a few days later who has made it through to our selection process for Batch #3. You will be invited to the Future Forest Forum 2024 and will be able to pitch your startup to the next round in front of more than 300 participants via audience vote or jury decision, present your startup at the innovation fair and, in addition to a unique event experience at Blankenburg Castle, you are guaranteed to make valuable business contacts. In the validation sprint, you will then check the marketability of your innovation with the help of your individual mentor, get to know the needs of your target group and improve your founder skills. You can also work out options for the further financing of your startup with other experts from our network. Customised according to your needs!
16.07. - 18.08.
The application process is simple: Just send us your startup details, the founding team, your current pitch deck and your individual support requirements via our application form. After reviewing the documents, we will check whether your startup fits the current batch. Up to 10 startups will be invited to our Selection Day at the Schlosshotel in Blankenburg.
Selection Day
Future Forest Forum
06.09. - 07.09.
Convince the international audience at the Future Forest Forum and secure your wildcard! The most convincing startup is guaranteed to be selected for the next round via an audience vote. You can also be inspired by interactive programme formats such as themed workshops or excursions.
Meet your mentor
19.09. (online)
After the forum, the selected startups enter the validation sprint. We will match you with your challenge partners and suitable mentors who fit your needs. These consist of renowned experts in their field and will provide you with advice and support. We will support you individually according to your needs with coaching sessions and online meet-ups.
Co-Working bootcamp
09.10. - 10.10.
Closing Event
30.10. - 31.10.
We will bring all participants together once again at our closing event. Details will follow. After the validation sprint, we will decide together with you whether you need further support and offer you individual access to investors and / or the implementation of (partly paid) pilot projects for your market entry in our #seed pillar.
You too can benefit from our tailor-made #accelerate programme for your forest & climate-related startup!
Below are frequently asked questions about the Accelerator program. You can also find more information and impressions on Linked-in or Instagram.
Who can apply for the Accelerator program?
With Future Forest #accelerate, we want to support forest- and climate-related start-ups in particular in validating their innovations, developing a go-to-market strategy or preparing their financing round. For the programme, we are therefore primarily looking for start-ups that have already developed a business model or, at best, a prototype and are pursuing an entrepreneurial objective. However, this also includes non-profit orientated companies. With #accelerate, we are also addressing start-ups with a sustainable and impact-orientated approach, i.e. you are aiming for or have already achieved social and/or ecological added value with your innovation.
What do I have to prepare or submit for the application?
Please allow enough time for your application. It will take you about 20-30 minutes to fill out the application form. In the form we ask you about the following things:
- Key data and contact details for your startup and you as founder.
- Basic information about your startup, e.g. in which phase your company is currently.
- Description of your innovation, your desired impact and the competencies of the founding team.
- Your specific needs, especially for mentoring. Specific information will help us to connect you with the right mentors.
- Optional: Finally, you can send us further attachments such as pitch decks.
Can I apply if I have started or want to start a non-profit organization?
I have an idea to solve an environmental problem, but I don't know how to make money from it. Can I still apply?
Basically yes, as long as a recognisable product or service is available, at best even a prototype. However, we recommend registering for our pillar 1, Future Forest #connect, first. In this program we offer workshops to build up know-how and organise partner events, which are primarily about the development of business ideas.
When and where does the Accelerator program take place? Do I have to be present on site?
Is there any financial support?
By participating in the programme, you will be supported in identifying potential customers and developing financing options for your startup. You can also qualify for our other scaling programmes, in which we support you with financing and/or market entry, including through funded pilot projects.
The accelerator programme itself has an equivalent value of around €25,000 thanks to individual support, free coaching and mentoring, high-quality workshops and the assumption of accommodation and meals. Part of the sum is subject to de-minimis funding from the state of Saxony-Anhalt. You will receive a notification of €12,220.38 at the end of the programme. In total, you can receive up to €300,000 in de minimis-relevant funding over 3 years.
What happens after applying online?
After the application deadline, we go through the individual applications and select promising submissions for our validation sprint. We will invite them to the final decision session at the Future Forest Forum. Here you can take advantage of all activities and sessions for 3 days and benefit from intensive networking. We will cover all accommodation costs, please organise your own travel arrangements. After the forum, we will inform you promptly by email whether you have made it into the #accelerate programme or not. If necessary, we will then organise further individual appointments with you via video call to clarify your needs.
We will then kick off the programme with a digital meeting where you can get to know your assigned mentor.
What are the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the program?
With #accelerate, we want to support you in evaluating your business model in order to bring your innovations to the market or application as quickly as possible. During the selection process, we will therefore evaluate your degree of innovation, check whether your product/service fits in with our focus topics, how you are positioned as a founding team, whether there is a potential match with our mentors and partners and whether there is a sustainable objective. It is also interesting for us and our partners to know whether you would like to set up a business at the Blankenburg Castle Innovation Campus or utilise the excellent infrastructure in Saxony-Anhalt.
In the selection for the 2nd phase (incubation), the jury pays particular attention to the performance of your pitch and whether your innovation has potential for a cooperation and/or pilot project.
Why should I apply to the Future Forest Initiative Accelerator program?
Our goal is to build a new ecosystem around innovation topics related to forests and climate change. To this end, we have created Europe's first accelerator for forests and climate, which addresses the relevant challenges in order to maintain and strengthen the resilience of forests. Through our programmes, you will become part of a unique network with numerous points of contact and a wide range of support opportunities. You will also present yourselves at the most important innovation event in Europe in the context of forests and climate, the Future Forest Forum, and position yourselves as an attractive player and partner for a large number of stakeholders from our network.
Is participation in the accelerator program free of charge?
The accelerator programmes in #connect and #accelerate are free of charge, as we currently finance the accelerator via partners and funding. Only travel and transport costs may be incurred. Accommodation costs, workshops, coaching and catering are included. However, the Validation Sprint is subject to de-minimis funding. This means that you do not have to pay anything, but you may have to declare the amount of €12,200.38 for possible further funding (you can receive up to €300,000 in EU subsidies within 3 years).
What content can I expect in the accelerator program?
The program of #accelerate 2023 can be found here on the website. Each year the content varies slightly to respond to the current needs of startups and the market. Some program items have now become established as fixed components, such as pitching your startup at the annual Future Forest Forum, or networking events where you can make exciting contacts with our large community. Another important component is our mentoring program, which we supplement with targeted coaching and workshops. Before the program begins, we will inform you about the detailed program schedule. By the way, compared to usual accelerators, we give great importance to offering you nature experiences and letting you enjoy the unique atmosphere of Blankenburg Castle.
What do we expect from participants?
In #accelerate, we expect participation in the online and on-site formats and appointment commitments at meetings with your mentors, partners, and coaches. Otherwise we don't make any further requirements - we just want to develop and scale solutions for the forests of the future together with you.
If you haven't found the right answer to your question, just write to us!
Unsere Programme für eure Innovationen
Wir bieten im Rahmen des europaweit ersten Accelerators für Wald & Klima individuelle Programmformate an, in denen euch als Startup mit Wald- und Klimabezug, ein passgenauer Zugang zu Mentor:innen und Expert:innen, zu potentiellen Investor:innen sowie Umsetzungspartnern geboten wird. In unserem Accelerator-Programm #accelerate vernetzen wir euch mit Waldbesitzenden und relevanten Stakeholdern aus Unternehmen, Wissenschaft und Politik, begleiten und organisieren Pilotprojekte und initiieren strategische Partnerschaften für euren erfolgreichen Markeinstieg.
Als reifere Startups unterstützen wir euch in unserem Programm #accelerate bei eurer Go-To-Market Strategie. Kern der Säule #accelerate ist ein mehrmonatiges Accelerator-Programm mit Präsenz- und Online-Formaten und dem Finale (Demo Day) beim Future Forest Forum auf dem beeindruckenden Schloss Blankenburg im Harz. Dafür stellen wir euch u.a. ein Netzwerk aus über 40 Mentor:innen zur Verfügung, das euch bei euren Milestones unterstützt, sowie attraktive Partner, mit denen ihr eure Lösungen optimieren könnt. Die Programmsprache ist größtenteils englisch, da sich #accelerate auch an internationale Startups aus ganz Europa richtet. Mehr Infos unten und hier im Flyer.
Unser Fokus
Der Fokus unseres #accelerate Programms liegt auf Impact-Startups aus dem Wald-, Holz- und ClimateTech-Umfeld, die eine unternehmerische Zielsetzung verfolgen. Wir unterstützen dabei insb. Startups der Pre-Seed und Seed-Stage mit einem vorhandenen Prototyp oder einem bestehendem Business Modell. Thematisch bewegen wir uns dabei in den 3 Säulen Smart Forestry (z.B. Robotik), Ecosystem Services (z.B. Stärkung der Biodiversität) und Climate Solutions (z.B. Agroforst & Bioecomomy).
Ablauf #accelerate 2023
Phase 1 - Bewerbung für den Validation-Sprint
Nach eurer Bewerbung für Batch#2 unseres Startup-Programms bis spät. 04.04.2023 werden wir bereits am 06. April eine Entscheidung treffen, welche Startups dieses Jahr dabei sein werden, und euch umgehend informieren. #accelerate ist in 2 Phasen aufgeteilt. In Sprint 1 validiert ihr mit Hilfe von Mentoren euere Innovation und qualifiziert euch für die Incubation-Phase. Werdet ihr dafür ausgewählt geht es in diversen Sessions mit unseren Partnern um die Entwicklung einer Go-to-market Strategie, konkrete Kooperationsprojekte oder Finanzierungsoptionen. Individuell nach eurem Bedarf.
Bleibe auf dem Laufenden und unterstütze den Wald
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