Startups Batch #2 (2023)
A total of 14 start-ups from all over Europe made it into our Batch#2 from almost 50 applications. Get to know them ...
Strong by Form
Regionalwert Leistungen GmbH
seedalive GmbH
WS Waldfrüchte und Saat GmbH
Complex Earth
Mission to Marsh
Startups Batch #1 (2022)
From more than 40 applications, 9 startups were selected for the "Future Forest Innovation Sprint", which have worked on their next milestones in our mentoring program. Get to know them...
The monitoring service is the first product from WALDSTOLZ. Forest plots are continuously and comprehensively monitored with satellites and critical changes, e.g. caused by bark beetle infestation, are detected. In this case, forest owners receive a warning by e-mail and SMS and can intervene in a timely manner and keep the damage in the forest to a minimum.
The iotec team consists of a wide variety of personalities who work together on the optimal solution. To do this, they combine the development of individual sensors with research into the latest technologies. iotec is convinced that the use of sensors improves decision-making for adaptive forest management.
Xilva mobilises massive capital for the best climate solution - forest! Based in Switzerland, Xilva connects investors to sustainable forest projects and makes the process of investing fast, easy and cost-effective. With their evaluation method, they ensure the quality of the projects offered and enable the investors to measure the success of the projects during their course.
Only transparent and verifiable climate measures are effective climate measures. For this reason, senken developed a marketplace for the new digital Voluntary Carbon Market. Senken allows companies and investors to easily and traceably invest in web3-based emission certificates originating from high-quality natural and technological carbon sinks.
Perdix Creations develops interactive formats for a digital future. The team leverages the potential of innovative knowledge transfer in order to make a difference in the long term. The vision is to make the transformation processes of European forest ecosystems in connection with climate change the basis of ecologically motivated, sustainable themed tourism. At the same time, the local population should understand that forest change does not end with forest death - in order to improve public perception of the necessary transformation measures.
Nature Robots promotes regenerative and ecological agriculture through AI and robotics in harmony with nature and people by supporting multi-annual and diverse cultivation systems in their profitability through innovative software and hardware solutions.
Based on temporally and spatially high-resolution three-dimensional plant maps, assistance systems and autonomous robotic applications for natural, arbitrarily structured environments such as vegetable, fruit and wine growing or (agro)forestry are being developed. As a first application, the technology is used in the company's own agricultural robot Lero for bio-intensive vegetable cultivation, the so-called market garden.
SilviBio Limited is a science-based company from Scotland, specialising in the development of novel products to improve crop yields in forestry and agriculture. The current catalog of seed coatings and soil supplements products help to maximize seed germination and seedling establishment. In this way, SilviBio wants to help foresters to achieve their planting goals and farmers to reduce their fertilizer use. For a meaningful and positive contribution to climate protection.
carbonauten has developed an industrial system that immediately reduces emissions and costs. For this purpose, biomass residues are carbonized at decentralized locations worldwide and refined into high-quality and cheap NET-Materials® (Negative Emission Technology: 1 ton of biocarbon permanently stores up to 3.3 tons of CO2), which replace fossil-based plastics, agricultural chemicals and building materials. Attractive by-products of the production process are base load renewable energy and bio-oils as platform chemicals.
biodivers brings more biodiversity and environmental protection to fields and forests. They are building the first, freely available, nationwide platform that clearly shows farmers and foresters all available state and private environmental support measures, gives concrete application tips and shows the ecological added value.
This tool optimizes the planning of environmental measures from an economic, ecological and work management point of view. The EcoCredit system, which they are developing in close cooperation with scientists, makes environmental performance measurable and tradable.
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